Better At Beach Camp - Wednesday AM 

Coaches Guide & Practice Plans



Dynamic Full Body Warm-up


Warm-Up : 5-10 mins

Wednesday AM Coach Demos



Passing, Setting Review


Drill 1 : 5-10 mins

  • Toss, Step-Shuffle, and Pass - Same as Drill 1, but tosses should alternate to the right and left of the passer. Focus on proper foot sequence. Each player should pass for 2 minutes and then switch.

Drill 2 : 5-10 mins

  • Shuttle Setting - Put half of your group next to one antenna and the other half diagonal from them on the same side of the net. The players away from the net are the “Setters”. They should receive a free ball from the antenna players. The setters will pass once to themselves and then bump set back to the target at the net. Have your players “follow their ball” and change lines after every touch. Beginners should catch the ball from the setter and throw. Advanced groups should keep the ball alive and send challenging free balls to the setters. 

    BONUS* You can also draw a target circle 6 feet from the net and mandate that your setters pass their first ball into the target and then set.



Drill 3 : 5-10 mins

  • Triangle Setting - Player 1 will be at the net next to the antenna. Player 2 will be in a serve receive position. Player 3 (the setter) will start in the other serve receive position next to Player 2. (If you have a lot of players, pinch the players over to the sideline so you can utilize both halves.) Player 1 will toss or hit a ball to Player 2, Player 2 will pass to the middle of the court about 6 ft from the net. Player 3 will set Player 1. Beginners should catch and repeat. If you have an advanced group, you can keep this continuous with a “pass-set-hit” rhythm. Rotate positions every 2 minutes.

Drill 4 : 5-10 mins

  • 8 Sideouts - Each team will get 8 side out opportunities, 4 from left and 4 from right. Depending on level, initiate the points with a coach toss, coach serve or player serve. Players siding out can hit on an empty net, at defenders, or against a full defense and play out the point. Round 1: Hard Cross. Round 2: Cross Body. Round 3: Wrist Away.

Basic Defense


Drill 1 : 5 mins

  • Dig and Catch Platform - Player 1 will be at the net, Player 2 will be in the court about 5 feet from the end line. Player 1 will toss and hit a downball to Player 2 who will dig and catch. They then return the ball to the hitter and repeat Encourage your players to dig high and forward. Each player should dig for 2 minutes.

Drill 1.5 : 5 mins

  • Dig and Catch - Player 1 will be at the net, Player 2 will be in the court about 5 feet from the end line. Player 1 will toss and hit a downball to Player 2 who will dig and catch. They then return the ball to the hitter and repeat Encourage your players to dig high and forward. Each player should dig for 2 minutes.



Drill 2 : 5-10 mins

  • 4 Steps to paradise cushioning practice for hard hits/serves. Player 1 is on the court facing the net. Players 2 and 3 are at each antenna facing endlines in diagonal corners. Player 1 is working on digging/passing the ball in the cross court defense/sr position looking at the diagonal hitter, and then completing a 4 step process to get to the next digging spot. The steps should be crossover, step, plant, plant.

Drill 3 : 25-30 mins

  • Hard Driven Angle/Line Digs to Live Play From Coach/Athlete Attack - Coach/Athlete should either be on the same side of the net in front of the digger or on the opposite side of the net standing on the box. Defender should be in a position where they are facing the attacker/ball. Keep each team on the defensive side for 3 minutes and then rotate.

Dynamic Full Body Warm-up


Warm-Up : 5-10 mins

Passing, Setting Review 


Drill 1 : 5-10 mins

  • Toss, Step-Shuffle, and Pass - Same as Drill 1, but tosses should alternate to the right and left of the passer. Focus on proper foot sequence. Each player should pass for 2 minutes and then switch.

Drill 2 : 5-10 mins

  • Shuttle Setting - Put half of your group next to one antenna and the other half diagonal from them on the same side of the net. The players away from the net are the “Setters”. They should receive a free ball from the antenna players. The setters will pass once to themselves and then bump set back to the target at the net. Have your players “follow their ball” and change lines after every touch. Beginners should catch the ball from the setter and throw. Advanced groups should keep the ball alive and send challenging free balls to the setters. 

    BONUS* You can also draw a target circle 6 feet from the net and mandate that your setters pass their first ball into the target and then set.


Drill 3 : 5-10 mins

  • Triangle Setting - Player 1 will be at the net next to the antenna. Player 2 will be in a serve receive position. Player 3 (the setter) will start in the other serve receive position next to Player 2. (If you have a lot of players, pinch the players over to the sideline so you can utilize both halves.) Player 1 will toss or hit a ball to Player 2, Player 2 will pass to the middle of the court about 6 ft from the net. Player 3 will set Player 1. Beginners should catch and repeat. If you have an advanced group, you can keep this continuous with a “pass-set-hit” rhythm. Rotate positions every 2 minutes.

Drill 4 : 5-10 mins

  • 8 Sideouts - Each team will get 8 side out opportunities, 4 from left and 4 from right. Depending on level, initiate the points with a coach toss, coach serve or player serve. Players siding out can hit on an empty net, at defenders, or against a full defense and play out the point. Round 1: Hard Cross. Round 2: Cross Body. Round 3: Wrist Away.

Basic Defense


Drill 1 : 5 mins

  • Dig and Catch Platform- Player 1 will be at the net, Player 2 will be in the court about 5 feet from the end line. Player 1 will toss and hit a downball to Player 2 who will dig and catch. They then return the ball to the hitter and repeat Encourage your players to dig high and forward. Each player should dig for 2 minutes.

Drill 1.5 : 5 mins

  • Dig and Catch - Player 1 will be at the net, Player 2 will be in the court about 5 feet from the end line. Player 1 will toss and hit a downball to Player 2 who will dig and catch. They then return the ball to the hitter and repeat Encourage your players to dig high and forward. Each player should dig for 2 minutes.

Drill 2 : 5-10 mins

  • 4 Steps to paradise cushioning practice for hard hits/serves. Player 1 is on the court facing the net. Players 2 and 3 are at each antenna facing endlines in diagonal corners. Player 1 is working on digging/passing the ball in the cross court defense/sr position looking at the diagonal hitter, and then completing a 4 step process to get to the next digging spot. The steps should be crossover, step, plant, plant.


Drill 3 : 25-30 mins

  • Hard Driven Angle/Line Digs to Live Play From Coach/Athlete Attack - Coach/Athlete should either be on the same side of the net in front of the digger or on the opposite side of the net standing on the box. Defender should be in a position where they are facing the attacker/ball. Keep each team on the defensive side for 3 minutes and then rotate.

Better At Beach Camp

Coaches Guide & Practice Plan