Better At Beach Camp - Friday AM 

Coaches Guide & Practice Plans



Dynamic Full Body Warm-up



Warm-Up : 5-10 mins

How to Read an Attacker + Defensive Chase Downs


Drill 1 : 5-10 mins

  • Shuffle to High Line Dig - Player 1 will be at the net while Players 2 and 3 are alternating digging High Line shots.  Player 4 will be acting as a blocker, working on transition setting.  Player 1 will smack the ball and then toss it in order to hit a retrievable shot.  On the smack, Players 2 and 3 will start to shuffle towards the angle.  Right before contact the diggers should change directions to go dig the shot.  Player 4 will turn, chase and set the dig back to Player 1.  Repeat so each player gets a chance to practice digging.  Complete on both sides of the court. Each player should dig 10 balls on both sides of the court.  Defender should not be attacking over the net.  This drill should allow two groups with one group on each side of the court.

Drill 2 : 5-10 mins

  • Shuffle to Cut Shot Dig - Player 1 will be at the net while Players 2 and 3 are alternating digging cut shots.  Player 4 will be acting as a blocker working on transition setting.  Player 1 will smack the ball and then toss in order to hit a retrievable shot.  On the smack, Players 2 and 3 will start to shuffle towards the middle or staying still.  Right before contact the diggers should chance directions to go dig the shot.  Player 4 will turn, chase and set the dig back to Player 1.  Repeat so each player gets a chance to practice digging.  Complete on both sides of the court. Each Player should dig 10 balls on each side of the court.  This drill should allow two groups with one group on each side of the court.



Drill 3 : 5-10 mins

  • Hard driven/Line dig to live play  - Blocker will be in front of the coach.  Digger will start in the middle. On toss, Defender will shuffle to cross court, read the attacker, and chase down the shot. Blocker will set the defender who will attack the ball over the net.  Be obvious on body movements on shots to show where you are going.  Attacks should look smooth and fast, shots should look slow and jerky.
  • *We don't have high line/cuts in the video* 

Drill 4 : 5-10 mins

  • High line to cut shot to live play - Same as drill above, but the coach will initiate drill to a team of two on the opposite side of the net who has to hit either a HL or cut shot.  Play out point.  If level is low start with forcing the athletes to hit a high line for a round and then switch to cut shots.  This will allow the defender to get more digs because they will know where the attacker is hitting.


Better At Beach Camp

Coaches Guide & Practice Plan